I saw you standing in line or walking around campus, waiting for that all important job interview or interview for college admission or admission to the military.
You were wearing shoes that would make a pro envious, as shown above. You were not comfortable and I was not comfortable for you. It shows what kind of judgment you have and what your decisions on the job or in school would be. Don't do it!!!

Now let's move on to other codes of dress. Unless you want someone to know if you are wearing undergarments or you truly don't care if we know about the status of your crotch area, do not wear clothes shown below. They are great in a club where you are picking up a dude or on the street where you are picking up many but even the military will know you are easy and try to get some if you dress like this at a job interview or college interview.
When is too much cleavage inappropriate, I would say it is when you are trying to convey your professionalism. Also, dressing too far down the ladder of success is not something you should do.
According to Morgan Jarema, from The Grand Rapids Press, 'Dress for the position you want, not the position you have." "If you dress inappropriately, it calls into question your ability to do your job."
From all the pictures shown above, which one would you choose to work with or hire to do an efficient, effective, and be self-reliant in that job, letting you concentrate on your job.
So when you get ready for that big job interview, remember you do not want to turn them off but you, also, do not want to turn them on as most employers want you to succeed at your job and not with them. In an environment, where people are sue-happy, employers are looking for employees to do the job and not cause any hassles on the job and the above pictures convey problems on the job but one. Which one looks too provocative, which one looks lazy, and which one looks efficient?
They are hiring you to represent them to the public in different forums.
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