Monday, December 30, 2013

Walt Whitman," Song of Myself" comments

After reading Whitman, I almost believe that aliens have been here and influenced our history. Consider Galileo, Aristotle, Michelangelo, and now Whitman. The futuristic view of the heavens, the learned opinion of the past and the refusal to accept just the present are all evidenced in his writing. This writing should be studied during all years of education. It can be fed to the young in snippets and later expanded on for the older ones. How many lives would be saved, how many souls would find comfort, and how many people would rejoice after reading his "SONG OF MYSELF"?
While reading this, I realized that Whitman is basically saying that Everything is Everything, Everybody is Everybody and, conversely, Everything is Everybody, and Everybody is Everything. There is no difference as we are all part of a smaller object. He considers the cosmos more than once. One instance (pg. 3266, line 789) "Speeding through space....speeding through heaven and the stars, Speeding amid the seven satellites and the broad ring and the diameter of eighty thousand miles, speeding with tailed meteors..."

When reading Whitman, could you find yourself, your family, friends, ancestors, and your neighbors in this poem? I certainly could.

What are some of the implications of applying his philosophy to your life?

Would you consider doing it?

HE is such a twentieth century man. I could see him in the smoke shops of the 60s and 70s, in the halls of great auditoriums, on the TED talks, etc. HE would so fit in in our environment (environmentalist, socialist, forward thinking man) CONSIDER!!

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