I don’t consider The Tea Party as racist so much as unbendable people, who do not respect or acknowledge others rights to their own opinions.
Where is there any evidence of someone saying there are no minorities in The Tea Party? There are people in all races, who have a right to their indignant, ignorant and biased opinions and I acknowledge this.
Also, please do not confuse The Black Panther Party, founded by Huey P. Newton in California in 1966, with The New Black Panther Party, chaired by Khalid Abdul Muhammad, in Texas. The original Black Panther Party was a non-violent group who wanted the same rights as other citizens, including the right to carry arms as long as they are visible and not pointed at anyone.
The New Black Panther Party, while racist and anti-Semitic, did not sanction the two individuals who went to Philadelphia but they are a small-minded group of thugs who are not reflective of the black community.
Blaming “the liberal media, poorly informed liberals, progressives and so-called ‘civil rights’ leaders who only seem to see things in a positive light if it agrees with their own mindset for the negative information,” but isn’t that what everyone has a right to do, as you are. Do we, the public, have to believe what you or they say?
No, we do not. We need to be better informed and check the information for ourselves from other sources and make our own decisions. All of these rights are protected in OUR constitution.
Comparing what Imus, a talk show host, said to what Janeane Garofalo, a comedienne, said is not in the same genre or occupation. Garofalo can say the sky is red and I would laugh but if Imus said the same statement, I would question why he said this because of his occupation. The seriousness of the two situations must be considered in the context of their positions in society.
If you do not have racist thoughts and this was demonstrated at the Academy Awards last night, then you can say so-called racist comments and be funny and not be censored by any groups. There are some situations and groups, like children, who should not be subjected to statements, like Imus did. Maybe you don’t understand the stigma behind the words he uttered but believe me they were hateful and not meant to be funny.
I, too, hope that one day we can look around and not think about the color of someone’s skin but the content of the character of the individual. So, basically, we are on the same path but from different poles.
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