Nora Palmtag
on February 13, 2013 at 11:14 am

Breakdown of Bias Cases, from
What does he believe are the main challenges for gay, transgendered, bisexual or questioning students and the friends, family and faculty who support them? “Constant, unrelenting bigotry and persecution,” said Black.
According to Violence Prevention Works, “As many as 93 percent of teenagers hear derogatory words about sexual orientation at least once in a while, with more than half of teens surveyed hearing such words every day at school and in the community,” and over 30 percent of all teen suicides being committed by these students.
Metro Weekly, supplied with hate crime information from the FBI, reported that “20.8 percent resulted because of a person’s perceived sexual orientation.” However, even the FBI stated that these crimes are reported by local law enforcement voluntarily and the numbers of attacks are more than likely higher.
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“One article I read dealt with a young man, really young, maybe seven or eight, who was so unrelentingly harassed. He took a gun and killed himself. That’s ridiculous,” said Black while describing his interest in becoming faculty mentor of the GSA. “Now, take that kid who took his own life. Maybe he was told by society, his parents, his friends, his neighbors, his teachers, his congressman, his gardener, his senator and his pastor that because of how he was born and how he feels, he is unworthy of participation in a relationship like the most important relationship he knows. Think of him hearing, ‘People like you can’t get married.
People like you don’t deserve to get married! You’re disgusting! God hates fags!’ Well, projecting that sort of hatred onto an innocent child is systemic, societal child abuse.”
People like you don’t deserve to get married! You’re disgusting! God hates fags!’ Well, projecting that sort of hatred onto an innocent child is systemic, societal child abuse.”
“I can’t comprehend the pressures young gay people might feel, said Black. “That’s why I’m interested.”
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