Friday, January 13, 2012

Acting Can Be FUN!!! questions to answer in 1st paper

Acting Can Be Fun
I will be interviewing Katrina DiFonzo, stage manager, here at LBCC, who has shown what a great job she does on productions at the theater with Dan Stone, Director and Educator. Per Dan, this is one of the most important jobs in the theater and should always be regarded as a position to aspire to.
Also, Tinamarie Ivey, Technical Director, is one of those people you should never underestimate and always appreciate as she makes sure the production is actually protraying the story the way the writer meant it to be and the way the audience will totally enjoy and understand the performance.
And, let’s not forget, Laura Blackwell, a veteran actress who has a repertroire that makes us amateurs blush.
My questions are:
Why be an actor?
What makes a good actor?
Where can this lead in your life?
How do you become an actor?
When would a person become an actor?
Who can be an actor?
What other occupations complement acting and why are they essential?
My nut graf is at the ripe age of 62, I am in a play for the first time which is teaching me so much about the theater world and I want to impart that enthusiam and ability to others.

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